FEDERTEC Next-Gen, held on 29 May at the Visconteo Castle in Pagazzano (BG), the first event dedicated to the Next-Gen Group, saw a large participation and a significant sharing of ideas and contents among all participants.
Greetings from FEDERTEC President Mauro Rizzolo kicked off the proceedings, which were led by Vice President Carlo Contasta, Senior Contact Person of the Next-Gen Group, and moderated by Cristian Son, FEDERTEC Marketing & Communication Manager.
The discussion was opened by a Panel Discussion led by Luca Stucchi, FEDERTEC Treasurer and Chairman of the Board of Stucchi Spa. Values and unique characteristics representative of Stucchi’s company dynamic emerged immediately, with a strong Next-Gen connection.
The Panel Discussion gave rise to numerous speeches and questions and actually introduced the presentation of the Next-Gen Board represented by Rachele Radaelli, Head of Human Resources Development at Stucchi, Marco Garavaglia, Business Development & Branding at MICROingranaggi and Tommaso Maffeis, Business Analyst at Map Service.
dddddddThe first FEDERTEC Next-Gen meeting involved potential Group participants and its start could not have been better, considering the good number of juniors present. During the interactive multimedia session, coordinated by the Next-Gen representative, indicative topics and activities relating to the FEDERTEC Next-Gen project were addressed. Also present and active at the meeting were several Seniors, the FEDERTEC management representation, with Vice Presidents Sergio Sartori and Alessandro Carmona, President Rizzolo and Vice President Contasta.